Hi, my name is Katie Medlock, Beckett Medlock is my son with Severe Hemophilia A. Beckett was tested at birth but let me back up and start from the beginning. It started with my brother and parents. When my older brother was about 6 months old, my mother went to trim his fingernails and clipped one of the fingers, and it would not stop bleeding. My parents took him to the pediatrician a few days later to figure out what was going on where they were immediately sent them to the Childrens Hospital in the area. After some testing, my brother was diagnosed with Hemophilia A. My mother had no family history at that point, that we could confirm, so she and my father were blindsided and had to start their education from scratch. That is truly where my story begins. When I became an adult, in my early twenties, looking to eventually have a family of my own, I had my factor levels tested to see if I was a carrier and would pass that same disorder down to my children. Well, it turns out, I was a carrier. Once Beckett was born, we had him tested to see if he would be a Hemophiliac like my Big Brother. After getting his diagnosis, we soon realized that there were many changes in treatment from the time my mother was going through this process with a young baby. Medical advancements and they way they treat Hemophiliacs now had changed so much. Donating to this cause, helps that continue and change the game for all the Hemophiliacs to come, after Beckett. We hope that you consider donating to our cause. We also sell t-shirts to help fundraise. See the link on the page for that website to order and have your new shirt shipped to your door. 


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