Hi Everyone!

We will be participating in the Unite for Bleeding Disorders walk again in August this year at Sloan's Lake Park in honor of Henry and Noah.  Both Henry and Noah were diagnosed with severe hemophilia B at birth.  Hemophilia is a bleeding disorder where one of the factors that is responsible for helping the blood to clot is missing.  In Henry and Noah's case they are missing Factor 9.  When a bleeding episode occurs they need an infusion of their missing factor to help their blood clot. The boys are both currently receiving factor infusions once per week in order to prevent bleeding and subsequent pain and joint destruction that commonly occurs in patients with severe hemophilia.  

The Colorado Chapter of the National Hemophilia Foundation is amazing and has helped us in so many ways over the past several years. Henry even got to participate in his first hemophilia camp this summer! We would like to give back by raising money for the Colorado Chapter through this walk and also raise money for future research and eventually a cure for hemophilia!  Gene therapy trials are currently underway and have shown promising results, with several people already cured of hemophilia!  This is thanks to the support received from events such as this walk.  We are currently putting a team together and would love for you to come walk with us.  Whether you want to support Henry and Noah by coming out and walking with us, by donating to the bleeding disorder community, or simply by continued prayers for them we really appreciate it!

Krystal, Bill, Alexa, Henry, Samuel, and Noah