Friends and Family - Guess what?  YOUR donations allowed the amazing children of the Colorado Bleeding Disorders Community have the most amazing sleep away and overnight summer camp this year.  And the BEST part is that Soren had the BEST time and his cousin Arin got to join this year! 

Without you this camp would not be possible where the parents of the children of this community feel that their kids can enjoy a sleepaway camp safely with nurses, PT, hematologist in attendance to help with an injury or bleed if necessary.   This camp costs anywhere from $1200-$1500 per kid, which most families cannot afford.   This experience is one of the most memorable for the Bleeding Disorder kids and community because they are around others that share the same experiences and have overcome similar struggles due to their bleeding disorder.  Children with very rare bleeding disorders can often feel alone and camp helps them recognize that they have a support system of peers, doctors, nurses, social workers, and mentors that are there for them and can enjoy an activity that other kids without a bleeding disorder get the opportunity to do without thinking twice.  We need your donations to make that happen!!

Soren’s Story:
Soren was diagnosed with Severe Hemophilia A when he was 2 months old. When he was 9 months old we placed a port put into his chest so we could infuse him with Factor VIII every other day. In March of 2019 Soren was able to get a new treatment where we could simply inject his thigh ( like a shot) every other week. We went from infusing him through his port 16 times a month to now just 2 times a month just in his skin!. We were able to get his port removed and this new treatment has been life changing for our family and allows Soren and us more flexibility, freedom, and a greater chance for Soren to live a normal kid life - Our Ultimate Goal for him .   This past year Soren was able to ski black hills and moguls, continue soccer and swim, and be a normal 9 year old boy. 

Please help Soren's Bleeding Busters raise money so that parents can send their kids with bleeding disorders to a camp where they have the medical attention and trained counselors to have the same experience as any other kid!

Thank you!

Tim, Jalpa, and Soren