Our sweet little boy Ryan was diagnosed with Hemophilia A when he was only 3 days old. After having completed a genetic carrier screen at the doctor's office that came back negative for hemophilia, we thought we were in the clear. However, Sara was only tested for B and not A, which we found after he was experiencing excessive bleeding from routine after-birth procedures. We were honored to have our story featured in the Spring 2022 edition of the Boston Hemophilia Center newsletter!

We attended the New England Hemophilia Association Family Camp for the first time this year, where Ryan took his first self-infusion class with the help of his mentor and counselor, Lucas. He was happy to help Lucas do his infusion, hopefully taking the first step in preparing him to infuse himself (less trips to the hospital with injuries!). He is a brave boy! 

Although hemophilia is a genetic bleeding disorder with no cure, researchers are working tirelessly to find one so Ryan may be able to experience life without hemophilia at some point in his lifetime. We are walking in hopes of raising money to help make this a reality. When you donate to the New England Hemophilia Association Walk in honor of Ryan, every dollar stays within our community and supports critical initiatives such as funding research to find better treatments, educating medical providers on the latest innovations and care, ensuring families have access to quality healthcare and providing access to the best educational resources available. 

Thank you in advance for your support and united, we will make a difference.

Thank you,

Sara, Derek, Claire, and Ryan