Dear Friends and Family,

We participating in the National Bleeding Disorder foundation Hawaii Chapter Walk for bleeding disorders. Lucas, Isabella & Tristen are fundraising to support the Hawaii chapter. Inherited bleeding disorders are a life-long condition. Currently there is no cure, but scientists are actively engaged in finding cures and improving treatments. All of the money raise will stay in Hawaii to help local residence living with Bleeding disorders.  

This is why we are raising money and I hope that we can count on your support of this exciting event! Thousands of families in our community, and across the country will benefit from your support and the success of the Walk.

 Our personal goal is to raise $1,000 for this worthy cause. We are asking for your help to reach our goal !!  Most of you know Lucas has been diagnosed with Von Willebrand's disease (VWD) is bleeding disorder caused by low levels of clotting protein in the blood because of the low levels lucas deal a lot with nosebleeds and bruising he is also very active in soccer so he needs to infuse medication on a weekly basis to help prevent any bleeds. Isabella has also been diagnosed with two different types of bleeding disorders Von Willebrand's disease (VWD) & A rare platelets release dysfunction . She will start learning how to infuse herself on a weekly basis shortly .

 Tristen is being monitored closely by his hematologist for very easy bruising ( no diagnosis yet ).  If you can help please do so by clicking on this link and donating. And please don’t forget to sign up for the walk and come and support, Lucas, Bella and Tristen. 

You can also support my fundraising efforts by forwarding this to all of you social media sites like Facebook and Instagram please share this to as many people as you can to inspire them to donate as well! Every step does make a difference in the lives of people affected by bleeding disorders.

Thank you in advance for your support and together, we will make a difference.


 Jessica Anub♥️