Aloha Family and Friends,

It's that time of year again for our annual walk. This year, the walk will be held on Oct. 5, 2024 on Oahu at Kapi'olani park. Outer island families will be doing their own walk in their respective communities.

As many of you may already know,  I have a bleeding disorder. I was diagnosed with Hemophilia B when I cut my foot open on some coral. After the bleeding had continued for a while, I was taken to the emergency room where the diagnosis was made. I required 3 units of plasma to finally control the bleeding. It's a condition that I had since birth.

With the help of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation (NBDF), there is more awareness regarding this condition and the knowledge to diagnose patients at an earlier age so they can get the proper treatment necessary.

It's estimated that 75% of hemophilia patients worldwide don't make it past 10 yrs. old. I'm one of the lucky ones.

For many, a world without bleeding disorders is simply a dream. Thousands of kids and adults affected face internal bleeding, costly treatments and lifelong infusions.

I’m all in to help end bleeding disorders.  I will be participating in the 2024 Unite For Bleeding Disorders walk in October. My personal goal is to raise as much as possible for this worthy cause. Will you help me reach my fundraising goal? It’s easy — just click the  “support me”  button above to make a secure donation.

Every dollar stays within our Hawaii community and supports critical initiatives such as funding research to find better treatments, educating medical providers on the latest innovations and care, ensuring families have access to quality healthcare and providing access to the best educational resources available.

Will you help me reach my fundraising goal? Please make a donation today.

Thank you in advance for your support and united, we will make a difference.


Rod Calbero