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David Jacobsen

Team Captain Team Ross 2024 UNITE WALK (New York, NY)

Support Me

Our 8-year-old son Ross is a passionate gamer, piano player, mathematician and swimmer who loves dreaming up reality show competitions.  He also has severe Hemophilia A, an incurable genetic condition that prevents blood from clotting normally.  We are raising money again this year to support the National Hemophilia Foundation and its New York chapter, who have been incredibly supportive to us ever since Ross was diagnosed at birth with no family history of Hemophilia.  Thankfully, Ross is healthy, active and thriving. Thanks to recent medical advances, all it takes to keep Ross regularly protected is a quick shot of clotting medicine in the thigh once weekly that we administer at home in just a few minutes.  This lets him have adventures all over the playground...and all around the world!

Research and treatment for Hemophilia have come such a long way, and with your generous support we’ll get closer to the cure!  

Many thanks for all your amazing support over the years! 


The Schwartz/Jacobsen Family