Kim Schoenbachler Nicks profile picture

Kim Schoenbachler Nicks

Team Captain WTF (We Take Factor!) 2024 UNITE WALK (Denver, CO)

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WTF is back! What exactly does WTF mean? Well ... Where's Team Flare? We're There Forever! Where's The Food? We Train Frogs! We Take Factor! Wow, That's Fantastic! And... We Thank Family/Friends...

... for supporting our 12th year of fundraising! Thank you!

This year, I am our team captain! Our family works as a team to raise money for  the 2024 Colorado Unite for Bleeding Disorders (previously known as the Hemophilia Walk), which is part of the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation that supports programs to help people with bleeding disorders live normal lives,

For the past 20 years, our family has benefited directly from these types of donations, as these donations support our local chapter. Yes, all money raised stays with our local chapter. Our local chapter sponsors many community activities such as Mile High Camp, Backpacker and Bleeders, Education Days, Washington Days and many more! 

Thank you for your help and support over the years!