
My name is Aulani Josue and my mom is Michelle Josue (Mimi). We both have a bleeding disorder called Von Willebrand Disease. We were both diagnosed at a young age. My mom was diagnosed at 3 years old, she constantly had nose bleeds that would bleed for long periods of time. I was diagnosed after having a nose bleed at 6months old. So basically our blood does not clot. 

We are apart of this wonderful bleeding disorder community! Growing up, both my mom and I, did not have a community like this. We thought we were the only ones with a bleeding disorder. But recently we found out that WE ARE NOT ALONE! We have learned so much since joining this community. We learn from others that have bleeding disorders and health care professionals. So we are so thankful for this community/foundation. 

For many, a world without bleeding disorders is simply a dream. Thousands of kids and adults affected face internal bleeding, costly treatments and lifelong infusions.

I’m all in to help others and their bleeding disorders. My personal goal is to raise as much as possible for this worthy cause. 

We are asking you, if you could kindly donate to help our community/foundation. Click “Support Me” to donate. Every dollar is used for funding research to find better treatments, educating medical providers on the latest innovations and care, ensuring families have access to quality healthcare and providing access to the best educational resources available. 

Mahalo in advance for your support and united, we will make a difference.




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