Our family is no stranger to medical needs. Christy and 3 of the 4 kids have a platelet dysfunction disorder that as of yet has not been named. Christy and Spencer also have Factor VII deficiency, an ultra rare disorder that can require regular factor infusions for treatment. In addition, all 4 kids have a rare metabolic disorder, Glycogen Storage Disease, that results in frequent incidents of hypoglycemia. Throughout the frequent medical visits our goal has always been to ensure that their care is not at the expense of their childhood. The WPBDF and our local Hemophilia Treatment Center play and important role in support their care. 

You can follow our journey at https://www.facebook.com/groups/510055752929067/

They are the reason we Unite for Bleeding Disorders. To ensure my family, and all families have access to the resources and care they need to be supported.

Thank you for helping us reach our fundraising goal! Together we can make a difference in the lives of those living with bleeding disorders. Our team is committed to raising money to support those affected in our community and raising awareness of the urgency to find treatments and a cure. Please consider joining our team for the Unite For Bleeding Disorders Walk or choose a team member from the list and donate to our cause.


Team Members