I was diagnosed with Von Willebrands disease type 2B when I was 14 months old, my life hasn't been the same since. Being a kid with a bleeding disorder wasn't easy, I've had more trips to the emergency room than some adults have. I always had something going on, if it was the summer it meant I had a bruised body, and if it was the winter my nose was bleeding. I'm 16 years old now and this is still how my life goes. Over the years I have found my own special ways to deal with having a bleeding disorder, being part of NYCHC has been one of them. I appreciate being able to connect and talk to others with the same issues I have. Although having a bleeding disorder is NOT fun, it has taught me to be strong and independent. Around the time I was 9-10 years old, I taught myself how to self-infuse my medication. There have been times I felt stuck, knowing you have this disorder that you can't fix is not a good feeling. I have learned to embrace my "bad hand" in the game of life because having VWD makes me, me!


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